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One Data Insight can empower brands to lead with a purpose. Read this amazing story when one insight led Whirlpool Corporation to launch its program Care Counts in the low-income schools of the US
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In US, everyday thousands of kids miss schools because they don’t have access to clean clothes
Kids who miss school are 7x more likely to drop out.
Whirlpool found data showing that more than 4,000 students drop out of school every day and those who do have a 40% higher unemployment rate and a 70% higher rate of being on government assistance and 8 times more likely to end up in jail.
The Birth of Whirlpool Care Counts
This data also showed that one of the most common reasons for students dropping out of school is that their families were unable to afford washers and dryers and they were embarrassed to come to school in unwashed, dirty clothes.
Whirlpool took this data and launched a program called Care Counts to install washers and dryers in schools in low-income areas so that students had a place to do laundry.
How Whirlpool Care Counts started?
The program began with teachers and administrators in 17 schools across the country, who identified their students most in need to participate in the program.
Whirlpool installed specially modified washing machines and dryers in the school buildings, each fitted with a data-collection device that was designed and developed to record loads of laundry and attribute each wash to individual students.
Marketing for Good
In the first year of the program, Whirlpool Care Counts™ washed over 2,300 loads of laundry in 17 schools. The results were staggering:
- 90% of the students saw a significant increase in attendance
- 95% of students were more motivated in class8
- 89% of students improved their classroom participation
- 95% of students were more likely to participate in extracurricular activities
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Small Data, Big Insight
For a marketer, data analysis is just not collecting data from different sources and then collating them into insight.
The real challenge lies in how can you make stories out of that data.
Knowing your audience is one of the most important aspects of marketing, and data helps to achieve that. Who are you talking to exactly will determine what aspects of the story you want to concentrate on.
This is what Whirlpool did with Care Counts Program and it wonders!!
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