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Every year billions of tons of plastic go into oceans that kill ocean life. That plastic also includes plastic rings of beer cans. Saltwater Brewery from Florida has come up with a solution to make this plastic rings edible for sea life. Its a perfect example of cause marketing.
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Sad but Truth about Ocean Pollution
Each year, billions of tons of waste are dumped in the oceans. As per research, 90% of sea birds have eaten plastic. Plastic is responsible for the destruction of marine species, nothing new there.
Although a tiny fraction of total garbage, Plastic rings in beer packaging have been known to cause trouble to sea life
But a new brewery called Saltwater Brewery took an initiative
Founded in December 2013 by a team of local Floridians, Saltwater Brewery is Delray Beach’s first local production microbrewery.
Saltwater Brewery in 2016 created a six-pack ring that feeds animals instead of killing them.
These six-pack rings are 100 percent biodegradable and edible, constructed of barley and wheat ribbons from the brewing process.
Although this packaging made the product a bit expensive, consumers loved the initiative

The Cause needed investment but worked like a charm
With $0 media invested and in less than 5 days:
- 110 million social media views
- over 1.9 million Facebook shares
- 1.3 million Facebook likes
- over 3.5 billion global impressions about the campaign
So How do these edible rings work?
The packaging starts to disintegrate within two hours of being in the ocean, which prevents fish or other sea animals getting stuck in the rings.
They take two to three months to completely disappear in the ocean, and it takes a similar amount of time to compost if left on the beach.
Instead of killing animals, our packing design will provide them with food
Saltwater Brewery co-founder Chris Gove
This marketing strategy is called as Cause Marketing
Cause marketing is marketing done by a for-profit business that seeks to both increase profits and to better society in accordance with corporate social responsibility.
In short, cause marketing is when a business working to align its brand for company and societal benefits through its marketing strategy.

One of the reasons that you buy from a brand is for the purpose that they stand for.
And that is why for any marketeer, it is imperative that we have the purpose underlined across every touchpoint.
So, it’s not only about the product but the cause that your brand stands for that makes a difference
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