The business model of Wayfair works on an e-commerce platform that offers customers visually inspired browsing, and compelling merchandising of furniture and home decor.
Nextdoor works through a platform that facilitates healthy neighborhood conversations while allowing local businesses promote services but How does nextdoor make money? What is Nextdoor’s business model?
How does Groupon work? Groupon analyses what customers are interested in purchasing and lists the coupons on site. How does Groupon make money? What is Groupon’s business model?
Dropbox work by allowing users to access their files from any device with an Internet connection and share them with others. How does Dropbox make money? What is Dropbox’s business model?
Meta’s business model is organized into two segments: Family of Apps (FoA) and Reality Labs (RL). Meta (Facebook) primarily makes money from selling advertising placements to marketers.