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“Storytelling Is A Skill Every Executive Should Cultivate”- Forbes. Storytelling is not a gift, it’s a highly trainable skill. But this skill has the power to take your career to new heights. This article has TheStrategyStory‘s Best Tips to Master the art of storytelling to will help you shine.
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Why to learn the art of Strategic Storytelling?
Being a Strategic Storyteller is #important because:
- People think and understand better in stories.
- Busy Bosses will only give you a few minutes only (that too if you are lucky) to tell your story.
- Stories are remembered always, technical jargon is forgotten.
What is the strategic framework to ace the art of storytelling?
- Start with an Objective– It makes you appear clear in thought and sets the agenda.
- Highlight the Expectation– What do you want today…a decision, share information, collaboration or support…
- Center the Audience– Answer questions in your story like who, what, why and when…but keeping the audience in mind
- Identify and Answer First– Figure out the challenge, call out the solution and then back it up with facts
- Have 3 Story Versions– Have a 1 minute elevator pitch, a 5 minute summary and 30 minute presentation ready…be prepared.
Use this framework for your…
- Next Presentation at work
- At an interview
- Solving a case study
- Simply creating stories
Bonus Tips
- Recap points of action first
- Summarize next steps at the end
- If you are presenting ideas, then show that you have evaluated them by ranking into high impact OR low impact quadrants
- Don’t speak for more than 1 minute at a stretch….keep it short.. Pause for feedback and questions…
We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.
Jimmy Neil Smith, Director of the International Storytelling Center
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