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TVF has revolutionized the OTT industry with its witty content. But if most of the content is free then how does TVF make money? What is TVF’s business model? Technology has disrupted the human lives for many centuries. But survival in new age Artificial intelligence requires new age skills. Are we ready for it? Why Indians love maggi? How it has become a favorite snack? Maggi was banned in 2015 but was given a green signal in 2016. What is happening now? Perfeth is an invite-only exclusive community of expert engineers. Shecodes is a passion project of Perfeth that aims to bring up the voice of women engineers Tesla stock price has shown 400% growth in 5 months. 70% in a month. Tesla added $51 bn on Monday alone. Is the growth sustainable or a bubble will burst? Diamond engagement rings are the result of a flawless marketing strategy by De Beers and Ayer that made them the status symbols they are today Neo Banks are changing the way the banking is done. They are eliminating the need of brick and mortar banks. But what exactly are Neo Banks? How are they different? TVF has revolutionized the OTT industry with its witty content. But if most of the content is free then how does TVF make money? What is TVF’s business model? If OLX is free to use then how does it make money? What is the business model of OLX? It primarily focuses on generating revenue from the advertisements. WhatsApp is used by 2 bn+ people worldwide without a single advertisement but then the question is does Whatsapp even make money and how? What is WhatApp’s business model?News & Trends
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