Priyank Ahuja, a Product Leader & Digital Transformation Evangelist with 14 years of progressive experience in Product Management, will guide in his 1.5-hour master session on hacks to get into product management.
Uber has revolutionized the way world moves. Uber’s business model has four segments on which it works & makes money: Mobility, Delivery, Freight, and Advanced Technology.
In today’s increasingly unpredictable world, a once-a-year approach to hiring plans no longer aligns with an organization’s ability to adapt, evolve, and even survive. Companies that rely only on this outdated “strategy” do so at their own peril.
7-Eleven franchise business model relies on the Modernization and Revitalization of existing small and medium-sized stores with the roots of Co-existence and Co-prosperity.
At Vinted, individuals can buy, sell or swap their clothes & other fashion accessories. How does Vinted make money by selling used clothes? What is Vinted’s business model?
N26 wants to transform the way individuals manage money and change banking for the better, which can be clearly seen in its user friendly business model & minimalist marketing strategy.
The business model of Upstart works and makes money through its cloud-based AI lending platform that enables a superior loan product with improved economics between consumers and lenders.