Nescafe’s marketing strategy & mix includes inspirational advertising strategy, range of products, maintaining affordability, and utilizing Nestle’s strong distribution network.
The total value of India’s top 100 brands has increased by 2%, from US$162.1 billion in 2020 to US$164.9 billion in 2021. TATA Group has retained the title of India’s most valuable brand.
Since Tim Cook took the helm of Apple from Steve Jobs ten years ago, the firm’s market capitalization has increased by more than $2 Trillion. That’s the highest ever wealth creation for shareholders by any CEO.
You just can’t buy a Ferrari even with tons of money. Only a selected few can get their hands behind the steering wheel. What marketing strategy makes Ferrari so exclusive?
Micro-marketing as an advertising strategy is all about targeting a specific set of customers who show the highest potential of buying the product or service.