Education has officially crossed the border of traditional institutions. We also need it in workplaces: new people have to undergo training. It depends significantly on how they approach their position and fit the company culture. 

In fact, employees need to learn quickly, adapt to new challenges, and retain knowledge. What about classic training methods? Unfortunately, they often fall short. They can be time-consuming, costly, and, most importantly, boring.

Is there a solution? With articulate and storyline development services, you can create effective and engaging e-learning programs that help your team learn and grow like never before.

This article will explore how Articulate Storyline software improves corporate training, why outsourcing development can be smart, and how to choose the right partner for your needs.

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Why Articulate Storyline Development? 

This is the first question that may emerge in your head. 

Articulate Storyline enhances corporate training through its specifically designed eLearning features. What are they? 

  • Real-world scenarios are always a good way to learn because they let people experience situations that are similar to real ones. They learn problem-solving skills and adapt, on an unconscious level, to the environment and its challenges. 
  • Gamification: If you think about it, it’s an essential thing these days. People are motivated when e-learning – or any kind of learning – is gamified. 
  • Personalization: Personalize learning paths according to people’s preferences and always work better. 
  • Custom Templates: There are pre-designed templates for course development if you want to do everything yourself. 

These features provide immersion into learning experiences, improving knowledge retention and overall training efficiency. 

Articulate Storyline allows for adding interactive slides with educational text and visuals. There are also videos and links to other required educational material.

What are the Main Features of an Articulate Storyline? 

Create Interesting Interactions

The arsenal for creative approaches to e-learning is almost wild here. You can use layers, triggers, and other features to create more efficient learning experiences. 

Tailored Learning 

Give your learners a more personalized experience. This software helps you adjust content based on the student’s actions, creating interactive training without endless effort.

Localize Content

Articulate Storyline simplifies the process of creating courses for global audiences. You can easily translate and localize your content into multiple languages. 

Works on Any Device

People use all kinds of devices to learn these days—laptops, tablets, smartphones. Look at you—you’re probably reading this article from your computer and likely to finish it later on the commute from your phone. With Storyline, your courses will look and work great no matter where learners access them, and that’s one of the biggest advantages for learners. Why? The more convenient the medium, the better people can learn. 

Compatible with Learning Systems

Storyline works with most Learning Management Systems through SCORM and xAPI. You can track learners’ work and use the data to improve your courses. This instant feedback helps to make even better experiences for all the learners. 

Built-In Quizzes and Tests

Tracking progress is straightforward with Storyline’s quiz features. You can add multiple-choice questions, drag-and-drop tasks, or other creative assessments. Learners get instant feedback, and you get the data you need to see how they’re doing.

Why Outsource Development?

While Articulate Storyline is user-friendly, creating top-quality courses still requires expertise. And the more important your courses are, the more professional stuff you have to bring in. Working with such programs to bring results for future training can be challenging. 

This is why outsourcing to professionals can save you time and deliver better results. Plus, you get to work with them, explaining and refining everything on the go. This strategic approach allows you to approach corporate e-learning more effectively. 

How to Implement a Strategic Approach to Articulate Storyline Development? 

Define learning goals

When it comes to business—even if it is corporate training—everything begins with the goals. Figure out what they are. You may want to divide them into processual and outcome-based goals.  

The processual focus is on the “how”—the steps learners must master as part of the training process. For instance:

  • Learning how to use specific software tools.
  • Mastering a step-by-step procedure for conducting performance reviews.
  • Developing communication skills through role-playing scenarios.

Processual goals are for building competencies and establishing a repeatable, measurable framework for action.

Outcome-based goals, on the other hand, focus on the “what”—the end result of the training. Examples include:

  • Increasing sales conversions by 15% after training.
  • Reducing compliance errors by 20% within three months.
  • Boosting employee engagement scores on internal surveys.

These goals are tied to business metrics and are often easier to quantify and measure post-training.

Storyboard Scenarios

Work with your vendor on these very thoroughly—no one knows what your employees will go through, and no one can make it more effective than you. 

Example: For a sales training module, storyboard a branching scenario where learners make decisions during a simulated sales call.

Add Interactive Features Thoughtfully

Interactivity is key. But don’t overload your module with gimmicks – there is no need for abundance when it comes to introducing information. Choose features that serve the learning objectives. Otherwise, you will make it less smooth:

  • Drag-and-Drop Activities: This is a perfect choice for categorization exercises.
  • Branching Scenarios: Great for decision-making skills.
  • Quizzes with Feedback: Perfect for reinforcing key concepts.

Use the Power of Visuals and Audio Features

A picture is worth a thousand words, but multimedia can be worth a million in the eLearning sphere. After all, we always need multimedia in any education. The best use of high-quality visuals, animations, and audio narration to make complex concepts easier to grasp.

However, avoid stock overload if you want a higher-quality course or a lesson. Custom illustrations and videos add a personal vibe, making your employee learning more engaging and unique. 

Test, Iterate, Improve 

Yes, you will need beta testing. It is essential for catching design flaws and ensuring your course works well. Listen carefully to testers’ feedback and evaluate if your initial learning goals are met. Gather input from diverse testers, even those not close to your sphere. This is a look from the outside that may benefit you in an unexpected way. 

Measuring the Impact of Storyline Modules

Creating the e-learning module is just the first step. Measuring its effectiveness is the second one, which is not less important. So, how can you measure the effectiveness? Use the Kirkpatrick Model to evaluate learning outcomes at different levels. Here’s a blueprint for you:

  1. Reaction: Are learners satisfied?
  2. Learning: Did they acquire the intended knowledge or skills?
  3. Behavior: Are they applying what they learned on the job?
  4. Results: Is the training driving business results? 


Creating efficient e-learning courses in the corporate environment is more vital than ever. But if you want them to be outcome-based and truly engaging, consider hiring development services to help you. This will benefit the company’s image and empower your employees to learn quickly.