Employee engagement strategies are designed to foster employee satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity. These strategies ensure employees feel valued and invested in their work, improving business outcomes.
Competitive strategy refers to a plan devised by a business to gain an advantage over its rivals in the marketplace and to defend against competitive forces successfully.
Strategic change refers to significant adjustments or modifications within an organization intended to enhance the company’s performance, market position, or operational effectiveness.
A commercial strategy refers to a business’s plan or course of action to achieve its commercial objectives, such as increasing sales, expanding market share, entering new markets, improving profitability, or enhancing brand recognition.
Strategic Cost Management (SCM) is a form of management accounting that focuses explicitly on the relationship between a business’s strategic goals and its resources, costs, and capabilities.
Strategic direction refers to a course of action that leads to the achievement of the goals of an organization. The broad roadmap outlines how an organization should move forward to reach its vision, mission, and long-term objectives.
A technology strategy is an overall plan that includes all technology decisions, from hardware and software to IT support, digital transformation initiatives, and long-term investments in emerging technologies.
Operations strategy is the plan that outlines how an organization will use its resources effectively to achieve its business goals. What are its types, model and examples?
In Forward integration a company expands its operations to control its products’ direct distribution or supply. In Backward integration a company takes control of its supply chain by acquiring or establishing operations that produce raw materials.